Who We Are?

Our Mission

“Be Honest, Be Kind, Be the Best that you Can Be”

This is the motto of San Antonio Academy, the school I attended since Pre-K. I have made it my personal mission to train to be the best that I can be, but also to provide opportunities for other kids to be the best that they can be. 

-Philippe Jones, Founder  

An Extraordinary Sport

Tennis reflects real life in its terms–advantage, service, fault, break, and love. It can teach skills needed for success in real life like problem solving, self-discipline, grit, honesty, and progressive improvement.

Tennis is thought to be an expensive sport to play, but it doesn’t have to be. We are opening the door to the sport of tennis to kids from various backgrounds.

Our Goals

San Antonio has a large number of public and private tennis courts. We believe that more kids would play the sport if they knew the rules and owned equipment. We help kids get started with: